Category Archives: Dating Tips

17 Tips to Write a Killer Personal Ad

Online dating websites offer the easier and quicker way for single guys to meet women. The use of online personal ads to get the audience you desire is quite different that picking up a girl in the real life situations. When you meet her at a bar, party or disco it might be difficult for you to approach her, you may feel embarrassed, but with online dating, it is easier and less stressful. Therefore, you have made […]

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Advantages Of Being Truthful To Your Online Date

Think you found someone who might be your next serious partner online? The long nights you spend chatting and sending each other private e-mails everyday can really get one’s heart skip a notch higher. When you finally set a date to meet each other, are you sure you are confident enough? Or will you fret because you told your online date that you are six two instead of five three in height? Then you suddenly realized you […]

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8 Rules for a Successful Date

Dating is a necessary part of finding the perfect match for you. Its a selection process, that needs to be followed with some type of an idea of how to handle yourself. The easiest way to meet women is to be approachable and make new friends. This way you will meet more people and some of them might have female friends they will set you up with. You will be exposed to new places and activities, which might lead to meeting women. There are guys […]

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5 Great Tips – A Beginners Guide To Online Dating

Did you know that two out of five single people in the UK now use some kind of on line dating service? That’s 40% of all singles! Unfortunately, the percentage of these people who actually find a real romance as a direct result of their site memberships is very low – probably less than 10%. Why is this? Well, it’s true that some sites are better than others; they have more traffic, they are better to navigate; […]

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5 Dating Habits for Successful Dating

Every time I talk to a guy who tells me his dating experience, I discover he’s making the exact same mistakes most guys do, dating mistakes that kill his chances of successfully dating sexy women. Dating can be an absolute nightmare for some people. Whether you have been dating for years, getting back in the game, or just starting out, you could always use a bit of dating advice. 1) Pay attention to her and listen. Most […]

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