Category Archives: For Women

How to Get a Boyfriend ?

Boys are very complicated… they are not like women as you can read more of it at, and they do not just want to be used as fashion statements. So if you want a boyfriend, make sure that you like him and are willing to be in a serious commitment with him, or at least you feel you may be if you get to know him better, and won’t break his heart. Below are some things […]

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What Are the Odds of Finding Mr. Right Online?

The odds of finding your soul-mate online are a lot better than you may think. It doesn’t happen for everyone, of course, but it can happen for you. The world of internet or online dating has exploded over the last few years. As our lives become busier and busier we need to make better use of our time and energy in our search for the one man who will make our lives complete. The old saying, You […]

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What Woman Should Never Do In Online Dating ?

There are some things that women should never do while engaged in an online relationship with a man. These things are certain to put a quick and final end to any further communications with him. While chatting online or by email do not write your life story. His eyes will glaze over and he will fall out of his chair. Keep it short and sweet until he asks for details then provide them slowly and only answer […]

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Tips For Online Dating Safety for Women

Online dating can be a fun and certainly a rewarding experience for women of all ages. Maintaining your safety while doing it is simply a combination of using common sense and exercising good judgment. Online safety rules are the same as real world safety rules. You wouldn’t give your name, address and phone number to a strange man that you met in a bar or on the street so you should never do that online either. Play […]

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Woman’s Guide – How To Write a Great Profile ?

OK, the time has come. You have joined an online dating service or two. Now you must write that all-important profile the one that will attract attention and reel in the man of your dreams but where to start? Maybe writing isn’t even something you think you do all that well. Even so, you can do this. The first thing is to be absolutely honest about yourself. You are looking for that man who will like maybe […]

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